Die Preise verstehen sich inklusive aller Steuern, inklusive Glas und Verpackung.
Die Lieferung erfolgt frei Haus innerhalb Österreichs ab einem Bestellwert von € 200, bei Bestellungen unter €200 fallen Versandkosten an.
Bei eventuell anfallenden Versandkosten werden Sie von uns telefonisch oder per E-Mail kontaktiert.
Bei Erstbestellungen liefern wir nur gegen Vorauskasse.
Unser Angebot ist freibleibend und gilt ausschließlich für Privatkunden, kein Verkauf an Wiederverkäufer.
Irrtum und Druckfehler vorbehalten.
Mit Auftragserteilung erkennt der Käufer unsere Verkaufs- , Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen an.
Internationalen Usancen folgend können wir für korkkranke Flaschen keinen Ersatz leisten.
Für Bestellungen außerhalb Österreichs fallen Versandkosten an.
Versandkosten Deutschland
6er Weinkarton € 15.- 12er Weinkarton € 18.-
Versandkostenanteil Deutschland ab einem Bestellwert von € 200.-
6er Weinkarton € 7,50 12er Weinkarton € 8.- 18er Weinkarton € 9.-
Shipping costs for orders to EU Countries
After making your order, you will receive the invoice including shipping costs for pre-payment by e-mail within the next 2 working days.
For all international orders we request pre-payment with bank transfer.
Shipping costs Belgium
Case of 6 bottles € 20.- Case of 12 bottles € 23.-
Shipping costs Belgium for an order value from € 200.-
case of 6 bottles € 12.50 case of 12 bottles € 14.-
case of 18 bottles € 16.50
Shipping costs Denmark
Case of 6 bottles € 20.- case of 12 bottles € 24.-
Shipping costs Denmark for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 12.50 Case of 12 bottles € 14.-
Case of 18 bottles € 17.-
Shipping costs Italy
Case of 6 bottles € 28.- Case of 12 bottles € 32.-
Shipping costs Italy for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 21.- Case of 12 bottles € 23.-
Case of 18 bottles € 25.-
Shipping costs Croatia
Case of 6 bottles € 28.- Case of 12 bottles € 30.-
Shipping costs Croatia for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 20.- Case of 12 bottles € 21.-
Case of 18 bottles € 22.-
Shipping costs Netherlands
Case of 6 bottles € 20.- Case of 12 bottles € 24.-
Shipping costs Netherlands for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 12.50 Case of 12 bottles € 14.-
Case of 18 bottles € 16.50
Shipping costs Slovenia
Case of 6 bottles € 20.- Case of 12 bottles € 23.-
Shipping costs Slovenia for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 12.50 Case of 12 bottles € 14.-
Case of 18 bottles € 14.50
Shipping costs Hungary
Case of 6 bottles € 19.- Case of 12 bottles € 22.-
Shipping costs Hungary for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 12.- Case of 12 bottles € 13.-
Shipping costs Czechia
Case of 6 bottles € 21.- Case of 12 bottles € 22.-
Shipping costs Czechia for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 13.- Case of 12 bottles € 14.-
Case of 18 bottles € 15.-
Shipping costs Slovakia
Case of 6 bottles € 20.- Case of 12 bottles € 24.-
Shipping costs Slovakia for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 12.50 Case of 12 bottles € 14.-
Case of 18 bottles € 16.50
Shipping costs France
Case of 6 bottles € 26.- Case of 12 bottles € 30.-
Shipping costs France for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 19.- Case of 12 bottles € 21.-
Case of 18 bottles € 23.-
Shipping costs Sweden
Case of 6 bottles € 28.- Case of 12 bottles € 33.-
Shipping costs Sweden for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 22.- Case of 12 bottles € 24.-
Case of 18 bottles € 26.-
Shipping costs Poland
Case of 6 bottles € 28.- Case of 12 bottles € 32.-
Shipping costs Poland for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 21.- Case of 12 bottles € 23.-
Case of 18 bottles € 24.-
Shipping costs Luxembourg
Case of 6 bottles € 20.- Case of 12 bottles € 24.-
Shipping costs Luxembourg for an order value from € 200.-
Case of 6 bottles € 13.- Case of 12 bottles € 14.-
Case of 18 bottles € 17.-
Other EU countries upon request
Since July 1st, 2021 a new regulation by the European Union regarding VAT for cross-border e-commerce has been implemented.
Due to this novella in legislation we are obligated to charge the VAT that applies to your country instead of the austrian VAT,
which is included in the prices shown on our website , on the price list.